Oh Penguin Where Art Thou?
Blogtanian and the (free) Bloggeteers!
How are thou? I am back from Newcastle in one piece - via an on-train incident and lots of freezing northern-ness. Wrote so much in my journal to concise it into a single blog will take a whole evening methinks.
I will write an update asap (probably tomorrow) as seem to be snowed under with form-filling, CD-reviewing and general 'stuff'.
I also registered for the ECDL Advanced (BCS-3) I.T. evening course....(just so I can be even more of a computer geek!) - ALTHOUGH I am STILL awaiting my certificate for the Clait Plus (bah!)...until then...here's some penguins....(They don't like rat food...but have a taste for couch potatoes.)
PS: I had a Japanese friend 'Kaz' who couldn't say 'Penguin' - he always used to say 'Pengin' and it made me laugh so much when I was tipsy...He got his revenge by getting me to repeat Japanses swearwords!
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