Breath Of Life

The life and times of Mr Mark Allen....

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Where there is 'Hope'

Hello - Sorry if I have been neglecting you. Life has - as usual - been busy in Mark-ville! I went to a gig a week for a few weeks, work is manic as ever and my social life is healthy.

Health wise, my blood sugars do seem to going up and down still. They keep changing the insulin and regime and diet. Perhaps something will work...

I went 'home' to Cannock Wood for a nice break over Easter - although it did include a lock-in in a pub with my friend Jo - and lots of alcohol and scratchings...I am sure Jesus wouldn't approve.

Back to the grind and I have been applying for jobs. I have been media/PR officer at Halton Borough Council for seven years now. Most people there are nice and I enjoy the job, but it isn't going anywhere.

I think I have the 'seven year itch' - And need a refreshing new challenge. I applied for a job at the Co-Op (it needs all the PR if can get) and one at Hope University in Liverpool... That one looks great.

Today (after a gig last night in Manchester) - I went for a yoga session. May not be able to get out of bed tomorrow.. Ho hum..

Sports wise - My next major table tennis venture is the European Heart and Lung Transplant Games i Lithuania.. Wish me luck!

Hugs and sparkles


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