Breath Of Life

The life and times of Mr Mark Allen....

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Media Whore Mark v Auntie Beeb

Manic Day.

Got up before 4am…..You know how it is when you have to be up mega-early, you always wake up too early, but not early enough to make it worth one’s while going back to sleep. Dontchajusthateit!

I started the rigmoral that is my daily routine of nebulisers, phyiso – "today’s special guest instrument is the….’spirometer’…." - and hacking my guts up with a swing in my step and a song in my heart (or is that just rhyming slang?)

We left 6ish and got to Uncle Bs in Brum before 7am…The roads were empty. I felt cheated….How dare all the other people still be in bed! lol

B drove us to the Mailbox where the front lift only goes to level 5…you have to walk to the end of the arcade to get escalators to do the rest, very badly designed!

But the building is spanking new….It seems such a waste for it ever be almost empty. The toilets are a cross between Ally McBeal and The Hilton..(a good thing!)

The Adrian Goldberg Show is one of those no-music, news and discussion programmes that ironically seems to be broadcast from the inner sanctum of the BBC, as far away from the outside world as possible.

To cut a long story short….My ‘slot’ kept being put back and back, due to other stories. Tommy Vance died and we had Sir Jimmy Saville talking about it and called after caller giving opinions about whether black boys should be taught seperately.

I saw an Asian woman vicar in a sari….Now that’s not something you see every day. She had just done something amazing in the Indian sub-continent.

In the end I was interviewed at 10am and allowed to waffle on and on...The 'taster' for the interview says it's the 'jewel in the crown' of interviews or something like that....I hope I lived up to the expectation.

It goes out on Wednesday morning....listen in (or record it and laugh at me later.)

One complaint - £6 for parking! SIX QUID!!!! (I must find out how to make an expenses claim.) I was fantastically sick on the concrete floor so I guess that will soak up some of the cash.....(better than in the studio eh Adrian?)

The TV people from White City (somewhere in London I believe) are now coming on Thursday for a chat on what they its all becoming a bit hectic.

The Chase Post (a local newspaper) wanted me to do something for them by tonight (aaagh) as well as the usual stuff I did for the Mercury.

I have an outpatients appointment in Brum tomorrow and by tomorrow night I will be flopping into a lack-of-sleep induced stupa!

The BBC Radio people want me to keep a diary for them of my progress and have given me a very snazzy MP3 player to record my mutterings on..(e-bay here I come! - only joking!)

Currently it has lots of tracks of someone talking about how scared they are of flying...followed by crashing noises (which I hope are courtesy of the BBC Sound Effects Department)

*I heard the house I used to live in in Stafford is up for sale...The landlord was Keith Riff-Hard from Rolling Stones tributers Stoned Again.... memories..of half-wasted hippies making herbal tea and rock-chicks making out with wasted hippies. - if you are up early enough the show is 7am till 10am - but I don't know when my bit is (!!)

Music in Background: Embrace...


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