Blogging about Blogs
How is it going? It has been the hottest May day in the UK since 1953...Isn't it scary that every month seems to set a new hottest/coldest/wettest record.
Well Mr S and Mozza have finished the laundry room and it looks very clean and fresh. The cat flap looks a little high, when we get the kitten she must be springy!
My story about the 'Ghostbusters' went into The Post this week (hurray) and guess what they didn't prefix it with a sobbing sickbed bit! (phew)
I have started with the video log...although the large orange button on the remote (which I presumed was on/off) was actually the record there are plenty shots of me looking quizzical at the camera...quizzical? Moi?
You know I was saying with the blog, Mp3 diary and video diary I was in danger or writing about writing a diary in my blog and writing about my blog in my mp3 journal etc etc...well I have gone one further!
I have written a piece about writing a blog for The link is at the bottom of the page if you are really bored/interested!
I finished Mrs S's (tale of two Vickie's) reference and a bizarre thing happened...I got a call from Zoe (someone I knew a long time ago, out of the blue!)
(The girl I took to Jane and Mondty's wedding...yes THAT girl!)
She is coming up on Sunday for the I am sure I will have more gossip then!
My Telegraph Fantasty Cricket team had a great week, but are still bottom-but-one of our little superleague.
I am fed up of hearing about Rover workers and their problems...They are getting free tickets to x, free entry to y, special compensation, special jobcentres...A lot of other people lost their jobs as a result of the collapse...they get nothing!
I went into Burntwood Library today and they had a punk exhibition....I got out a CD from Wire! (A band I really feel I ought to know more about.)
Less than a week until Tori must stay well for that....
A piece I wrote about blogging (you may have to cut and paste the link)
Book: Malachi's Cove - Anthony Trollope
Music: New Order - Waiting For the Sirens Call
At 2:55 pm, Mark said…
Try cutting and pasting the link into your address bar are see if it works that way! Girl pants? lol
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