Breath Of Life

The life and times of Mr Mark Allen....

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Johnny out of his Depp-th?


Well its 'Jo+14' (see previous posts) and its all been a bit of an anticlimax after the shennanigans of earler in the week.

Thanks for all the e-mails and texts of support...FIFTH TIME LUCKY eh?

Luckily some friends too mw to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on Wednesday. Click here to see my review... >click<

I hadn't been to the cinema for ages because of a) Not being able to get back in time if I got the call and b) My oxygen cylinders not lasting

But R's hubbie M was driving and he goes like the wind so I knew I could get back from Tamworth in 20 mins (the ambulance took 90 to get to me after I got the call on Monday...)

And I have newly revamped cylinders which seem to last longer enabling me to have more confidence... I have to take plenty in case we break down or get stuck in traffic.

In fact I had enough at the end to go to the pub for a pst-film drinkie! This is always a good idea!

The cinema was packed....people had to move up to allow us to get three seats together anywhere in the cinema

There was amusement to be had (when isn't there) There was a brief power cut during the film, I was next to a guy tripping his head off (to the left of me) and an annoying child kept asking questions behind me....

Children shouldn't be allowed into PG films!

I bought a Joy Zipper album from Cannock and am enjoying it....It is a kind of Air meets Brian Wilson affair. I actually had a hot latte from Wetherspoons too! (They are normally tepid/luke warm...who is Luke?)

There was a start of a classic cars show in the town centre, which seemed to bring the chavs out in their droves!

Mum spent a day painting an outside wall, only to have a lot of it washed off by a sudden rainfall on Thursday night......but the 'fun' didn't end there...'Didn't it?' I hear you you cry, No....we have mice...

These aren't the cordless kind (although they aren't attached to anything!) but the living, breathing (not for much longer) kind who have found we are a cat free home.

They have found the shed and the sides of the house and have to go! Mouse Killer from the local pet shop should do the trick....Any local cats had better avoid our garden or there will be a few more residents in the local cat ward too...

We went to wish Mr Dickie S a happy 65th this morning.....I learned something of the network of knowledge and how the whole world seemed to know I was up in Newcastle and then on my way home before I my text finger had started to sweat!

Bless all their cotton socks...

Good luck to the amazing Sarah B who is starting youth work next month by the way...and anyone waiting for any kind of exams...

*Off to watch the cricket highlight..When ever I left the TV to do some medication wickets need to watch the 'best of'...


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Click here to see my photos

Music: Joy Zipper, Raveonettes, Ordinary Boys
Book: The Family Way - By Tony Parsons


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