Breath Of Life

The life and times of Mr Mark Allen....

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Viles of Blood and Tony Morley

Hiya Bloggettes,

Well thank for you all clicking on my link in The World newspaper - my blog was the most read item on last week's site.
(The pic is a rainbow in Widnes, courtesy of my camera phone!)

My problems with Widnes doctors continues - my GP still won't prescribe salt tablets (needed by ALL people with Cystic Fibrosis) and only gave me five days of MMF (an anti-rejection drug)

I finally cracked and complained to the PCT and my consultant in Birmingham has also spoken to the practice manager. Watch this space....and maybe the newspapers.

They also wouldn't give me a vile of blood to send off to Newcastle without a proper blood container, which is fair enough, so I am awaiting one from up north.

Am almost up to where I was before the shingles with the swimming and the Wednesday lunchtime table tennis is good fun - if hard work.

I met up with Claire on Friday night and went to the 8 Towers Pub - names after the power station pillars opposite. It is also v.close to the site of the proposed mental unit..... ho hum...

Anyway. There was a lovely rainbow as I walked down and lots of rain as I walked back. It was good to catch up with CM....She was the first person I ever met in Widnes!

On Saturday I went back to Staffordshire after my physio session and met Erik and Diana for a balti in Walsall
On Sunday I went to see a team of Aston Villa Old Boys play Burntwood Dragons at B'Wood Rugby Club.

There were loads of former players, even from the European Cup winning team of 1992. It was great to see the likes of Gordon Cowans , Kevin Poole and Tony Morley at such close quarters...

I am slowly sorting out my holidays. Sarah and I are off to Norfork in August and Katrin is coming over from Germany in July.....

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Book: Pies and Prejudice - Stuart Maconie
Music: Close - Joy Division


  • At 11:04 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Don't drop the sun, son.
    You've gotta ditch the gp chap. 5 days mmf is pulling the pisser. tell the pct to appoint a new un or you'll spank their mo fo'in asses in the press.
    ok Ese.....see ya soon! suerte

  • At 11:05 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…


  • At 2:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    matey boy fry his ass cheeks with the pct

    prize c@ck status means he may win best in class at the village show

    mr f


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